Янчилин В.Л.

Жанр: Янчилин В.Л.

Изучив настоящую книгу, читатель поймет, что скрывается за пестрой математикой микромира, узнает, как «приготавливается» квантовое состояние и строится его волновая функция. На простых рисунках читатель сможет увидеть, как электрон проходит через два отверстия одновременно и как происходят знаменитые квантовые скачки. Автор данной книги старался избежать существенного минуса большинства учебников по квантовой механике — недостаточной наглядности при изложении материала. Для студентов естественно-научных специальностей, преподавателей, научных работников.

Жанр: Янчилин В.Л.

How one electron can be in two remote areas simultaneously? How can we «cook up» a quantum state? What is described by wave function and when its reduction takes place? How long is a quantum jump and is it a reversible process? How does quantum nonlocality work? Traditional textbooks on quantum mechanics pay low attention to those intriguing questions and the reader cannot understand what stands behind the mathematical apparatus of microworld. The author hopes that the reading of this book will change your attitude; you will be ready to read Feynman’s lectures on quantum mechanics as a captivating novel. For college students, scholars and teachers.

Жанр: Янчилин В.Л.

This book presents key ideas of quantum mechanics. The paradoxes of the quantum world are explained with examples of dispute between Einstein and Bohr. A collection of simple drawings illustrates the key concepts: wave/particle dualism, non-locality, and quantum jumps. The foundations of quantum physics were the source of a new hypothesis about the origin of Life. The backbone of this hypothesis is that a nonlocal link at the quantum level exits between all living organisms. This liaison has been developed many eons ago, since the origin of life in the world’s oceans.

Жанр: Янчилин В.Л.

Will our Universe expand forever, or there is a Big Crunch coming up? How can the rate of the Universe expansion be measured in a laboratory? How does the boundary of space look? How can Mach's principle be verified experimentally? How many stars are needed in order for the law of inertia to hold? What is a source of the uncertainty in the micro world? How does an indivisible electron contrive to pass through two holes at the same time? What mechanism underlies the gravitational interaction? Why is space-time curved near a large mass? What happens to an atom in a gravitational field? And, finally, where all these black holes go? If you want to know answers to these questions, this book is for you! In this book, the uncertainty and gravitation are considered as two aspects of the same phenomenon. The mechanism of the gravitational attraction is explained visually. A physical sense of the curved space-time is revealed on a simple example of an atom in a gravitational field. An explanation of the most bizarre quantum paradoxes as, for instance, the corpuscle-wave dualism and non-locality is proposed. A description of the experiment on measurement of the rate of the Universe expansion is presented.

Жанр: Янчилин В.Л.

В книге изложены основы новой теории — квантовой теории гравитации. Впервые гравитационное взаимодействие рассматривается как исключительно квантовый эффект. Предлагается новая интерпретация квантовой механики, а также объясняется, почему пространство-время искривляется вблизи больших масс. Приводится описание простого эксперимента по проверке новой теории.